These lighted Color LED Lithophane Boxes are hand made with remote control LED lights from either stocks images, or images from your private phone or computer pictures! You can order a stock image boxes which can ship in as little as 5 days, or you can email 4 high quality HD images to me add I will make a custom box of your family photos, favorite animal… people… places… NCAA football teams… The possibilities are only limited by your wishes (Sorry no nasty images accepted!) You can email us at ncs3d77@gmail.com if you desire more information or have questions
It all begins with your idea. Have a parent or grand parent form whom you’re looking for the perfect gift? Check out these Color Led Lighted Lithophane Boxes… make one of your children to give to their grandparents… These make wonderful memorials to lost loved ones… It’s your box make it like you want it!
Here is a picture of the LED light system that I use to make each Box. Over 7 ft of LED light strip, Remote control, remote receiver, and a standard electric plug/transformer. These are Great systems not some cheap imported trash!
Led Lithophane Boxes
Contact us
Email: ncs3d77@gmail.com
© 2023
I have lived and worked in the thriving metropolis of Huguley, Alabama for 23 and 1/2. It’s rural, calm, peaceful, and generally quiet. My kind of place