A Vase full of Red Roses
This incredible looking, life-like vase of roses comes in 2 colors of Wood infused filament - Rosewood and Birch. Wood infused, means that up to 25% of the filament is wood fibers! The roses are Rosewood and the stems are green filament. The vases is a dragon scale pattern in Birch Wood filament. It comes with 5 roses made to last years! This item is my personal Valentines gift to my wife, and in 1 picture it sits prominently on our dinning room table! Yes, it was early…. But I assure you she didn’t mind at all (LOL)!!! All of the roses can be removed from the vase and extra roses are available if desired (see separate Rose item) at a reasonable price. When asked, my fellow employee thought this item should sale for $40 dollars but it is on sale for much less… Warning…. Your special someone may be overwhelmed with this gift… .
This incredible looking, life-like vase of roses comes in 2 colors of Wood infused filament - Rosewood and Birch. Wood infused, means that up to 25% of the filament is wood fibers! The roses are Rosewood and the stems are green filament. The vases is a dragon scale pattern in Birch Wood filament. It comes with 5 roses made to last years! This item is my personal Valentines gift to my wife, and in 1 picture it sits prominently on our dinning room table! Yes, it was early…. But I assure you she didn’t mind at all (LOL)!!! All of the roses can be removed from the vase and extra roses are available if desired (see separate Rose item) at a reasonable price. When asked, my fellow employee thought this item should sale for $40 dollars but it is on sale for much less… Warning…. Your special someone may be overwhelmed with this gift… .
This incredible looking, life-like vase of roses comes in 2 colors of Wood infused filament - Rosewood and Birch. Wood infused, means that up to 25% of the filament is wood fibers! The roses are Rosewood and the stems are green filament. The vases is a dragon scale pattern in Birch Wood filament. It comes with 5 roses made to last years! This item is my personal Valentines gift to my wife, and in 1 picture it sits prominently on our dinning room table! Yes, it was early…. But I assure you she didn’t mind at all (LOL)!!! All of the roses can be removed from the vase and extra roses are available if desired (see separate Rose item) at a reasonable price. When asked, my fellow employee thought this item should sale for $40 dollars but it is on sale for much less… Warning…. Your special someone may be overwhelmed with this gift… .